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《N2全方位加強》 郭欣怡 老師


韓語初級K2 文法力!一定成為韓語通!

韓語初級K2: 首爾大學
表達: 位置、數字、電話禮儀、購物、邀請、餐廳用語、交通工具、家庭、興趣


字彙是學習語言的根基。擁有足夠的字彙可以讓溝通更加順暢、讓意念的傳達更為精確,並藉此增進聽力、口說、閱讀與寫作能力。 透過英文閱讀的方式, 學習文章, 是十分有效地一種學習法。

首先,大家可以先花4 分鐘,閱讀以下文章。若內容大約了解七成,請繼續往下閱讀。 Summer is finally here, it s time to go on vacation! Have you wondered where to go? If you like nature, beautiful architecture, animals and the beach I have the perfect place for you where you can find all of these! You are now probably thinking it must be very far or very expensive, but I assure you, it is both affordable and reachable. You don t have to leave Taiwan and go abroad to find a perfect summer vacation destination, it is right here, located just off the southeastern coast of mainland China, it is Kinmen. Kinmen means Golden Door or Golden Gate, and it includes Great Kinmen, Lesser Kinmen or Small Kinmen and several surrounding islets.

Vacation / n.假期
Architecture / n. 建築物
islets / n.小島
low tide / n.低潮
high tide / n.高潮
oysters / n.牡蠣
guesthouse / n.民宿

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