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TED Talks 豐富您的英語力及簡報力-新穎教材x熱血講師

TED TALK撼動人心的國際演講, 是把現今最新科技(Technology),娛樂(Entertainment), 設計(Design)等領域中令人膛目結舌的新鮮想法傳遞出去( Ideas worth spreading). 本課程透過不同討論及腦力激盪, 學員不但能夠吸收新知識, 而且可以開發想像

中級實力養成H1班 鍾瓊儀 老師


越語入門V1 忠孝四晚


It’s party time!

Do you like parties? I personally love house parties, and in December there are a lot of Christmas and New Year house parties in Europe. If you think these parties are boring, then I will prove you wrong! Usually, when you are invited to these parties there are a lot of fun party games you can play, and I would like to share a few of them with you. You can also play these games during Chinese New Year. I guarantee the whole family will enjoy them!
Imagine that you are the host and your guests arrived to your party but the dinner is not ready yet. What would you do? Panic or play a game? I would recommend the second option. Pick a nut is a perfect game for any party or even for Chinese New Year. It is super easy and a lot of fun for the whole family! What you need is a plate, a bag of peanuts, or jelly beans and straws. Everyone gets a straw, and tries to get as many peanuts as they can.
你喜歡參加party嗎? 我自已是比較在家裏舉辦的party。每年的12月耶誕節、新年,在歐洲,我們都會舉辦很多的家庭式party.如果你會覺得家庭式的party 很無聊,那就錯了喔!!通常,當你被邀請去別人家裏作客,參加party 時,主人都會準備很多有趣的遊戲。這些遊戲都會讓全部的人Hi!翻天的喔~~
在這裏,我想推薦一個遊戲給大家。想像有一群人到了你家,你不想讓大家感到無聊。 挑花生 是一個不錯的選擇。遊戲方法很簡單,只要準備一個盤子,放一盤的花生,或是豆子。每個人都可以拿到一根吸管,誰可以用吸管拿到最多的花生,就是贏家。
Hand everyone around the table a straw and empty the bag of peanuts or jelly beans onto a plate. Set a timer (for however many minutes you need to finish preparing the dinner). The guests must get as many nuts from the plate as they can using only the straw. The one with the most nuts is the winner. To make this game more interesting, we often use chopsticks, but this would be too easy in Taiwan, since everyone already knows how to use them!
Who wouldn t like a good smile? And who could stand not to smile at a party? This is the purpose of this fun game. The game goes like this:
You ask Honey, if you love me, won t you please, please smile? and they must reply Honey, you know I love you, but I just can t smile. without, of course, smiling. It is a lot of fun, and it is nearly impossible not to smile! If you smile, then it s your turn, you have to walk around and ask someone else the same question. You can also set a punishment for the loser, just write funny tasks on pieces of paper and every time they smile they have to pick one and do whatever is written on the paper.
I hope you are going to enjoy these games as much as I do and welcome in the New Year with a great smile! Happy New Year!


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